Museum für Gestaltung Zürich, 2019
Clothes make the man or woman: it has been a very long time since people wrapped themselves in fabric to merely cover their bodies or protect themselves against the elements. Fashion has always been a means of self-presentation, of differentiation, as well as a projection surface for social constructs. The understanding of ‘gender’ is therefore subject to social, political and cultural attributions. The relevant norms – which become visible in fashion – change over the course of time and, depending on the social context, take shape differently. What kind of clothing is regarded as masculine or feminine and how might such attributions be reconsidered? The exhibition (24.5.-29.9.19) examined this question using current work by eight fashion designers and artists, who confront standard gender norms with alternative designs and concepts.
The idea to the concept was a collaborative work of neo seefrieds class mates Brooke Jackson, Doris Dehan Son and Ann-Sophie Mlamali in the first semester of MA Art Education Curatorial Studies. The concept was chosen by a jury and has has been developed and implemented by the whole class of Curatorial Studies and the Museum für Gestaltung Zürich. Seefried did the student project management and curating of the project.
Designers: AMOK by Sandra Kuratle, Jules Claudes Gisler, Jaqueline Loekito, Stadtlandkind, Rami Shalati, UY Studio, Aela Vogel, Julian Zigerli